Celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month: A Tribute to the Legacy, Progress, and Impact of the Latinx Community in the USA

From the First Spanish Settlements to Modern Influences, and the Success Story of Fernando Landeros

Actor/ Model Pablo Morias wears POTRO - Hispanic History Month 2024

Hispanic Heritage Month is a time to reflect on and celebrate the profound impact that Hispanic and Latinx communities have had on the fabric of the United States. Running annually from September 15th to October 15th, the month-long celebration honors the history, culture, and achievements of a diverse population whose roots stretch across Latin America, Spain, and the Caribbean.

The Origins of Hispanic Heritage Month

The celebration of Hispanic culture began modestly in 1968, when President Lyndon B. Johnson proclaimed Hispanic Heritage Week. The effort to recognize the contributions of Hispanic Americans on a national scale was a significant milestone, spearheaded by U.S. lawmakers like Rep. Edward R. Roybal of California and others, who saw the need for national recognition of the Hispanic influence on American culture.

Twenty years later, in 1988, President Ronald Reagan expanded the observance to cover an entire month, starting on September 15th. This date was chosen to align with the independence days of several Latin American countries, including Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, and Nicaragua. Since then, Hispanic Heritage Month has become a time of reflection on the legacy of Spanish colonization, immigration, and the dynamic cultural contributions Hispanics have made to the U.S.

Celebrations Across the United States

During Hispanic Heritage Month, the country bursts into celebrations of Latinx music, art, dance, and cuisine. Parades, cultural festivals, educational events, and museum exhibits pay homage to the rich diversity within Hispanic cultures. Schools and universities take part in teaching about the contributions of Latinx people throughout American history, while businesses and media platforms increase visibility around Hispanic leaders, thinkers, and innovators.

A Journey Through History: Spanish Influence in the USA

The Spanish crown’s exploration and colonization of the Americas in the 15th and 16th centuries shaped much of the continent’s history. Spanish explorers such as Christopher Columbus and Juan Ponce de León played crucial roles in the discovery and settlement of the Americas. One of the earliest European-founded cities in what is now the United States, St. Augustine, Florida, was established by Spanish explorers in 1565. The influence of Spanish culture and language spread far beyond Florida, laying a foundation for what would eventually become a unique blend of cultures.

Throughout the early 1800s, vast parts of the Southwest—including Texas, California, Arizona, and New Mexico—were part of Mexico, which had won its independence from Spain in 1821. These territories were eventually incorporated into the United States through treaties and annexations, but their deep-rooted Hispanic history continues to be felt today in architecture, place names, and cultural traditions.

The Hispanic Population in the USA Today

Today, Hispanic and Latinx communities make up nearly 20% of the U.S. population, totaling over 62 million people, according to the U.S. Census Bureau. This demographic’s influence on American culture is undeniable—from vibrant music genres like salsa, reggaeton, and Latin pop, to culinary staples such as tacos, tamales, and arepas that are beloved across the country. Hispanic visual art, fashion, and literature have also shaped American culture in profound ways, blending traditions from indigenous, African, and European roots into a contemporary mosaic.

Spotlight on Fernando Landeros: A Story of Latinx Success in the PR Industry

As we celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month, it’s essential to recognize the personal stories of success within the Latinx community that exemplify hard work, resilience, and a deep sense of cultural pride. Fernando Landeros, COO and co-founder of HJ-PR, is one such figure. His path from humble beginnings to becoming a leading force in public relations is a testament to the potential for Latinx people to thrive and excel in competitive industries.

Landeros’ journey took a significant turn during the COVID-19 pandemic, when his family faced economic uncertainty and personal tragedy. Moving from Los Angeles to Mexico, he worked tirelessly to keep his business afloat, finding new ways to serve clients and survive in a difficult global economy. Through perseverance and a strong work ethic, HJ-PR not only weathered the storm but emerged stronger, thanks to Fernando’s unique approach to influencer marketing and AI integration in the PR industry. His success stems from an unwavering commitment to his clients, ensuring authenticity and cultural connection in every campaign.

As someone who has spent years navigating the worlds of fashion, media, and public relations, I’ve had the privilege of working with some of the most innovative minds in the industry. Fernando Landeros stands out among them—not just for his skill but for his passion and vision. What Fernando has built with HJ-PR is nothing short of exceptional. I’ve seen firsthand how his agency’s approach is not only strategic but deeply rooted in cultural awareness, which is particularly significant as we celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month. Fernando’s commitment to elevating brands through authentic storytelling and creative innovation has left an indelible mark on the PR industry.

His work reflects a deep understanding of the Latino experience, and it’s clear that he carries the weight of his heritage with pride. This is a crucial aspect of his success—he’s not just selling a product or a service, he’s embedding cultural connection into every campaign. As a fellow entrepreneur, I know how important it is to maintain authenticity while navigating an industry that often under represents our voices. Fernando’s ability to bridge that gap through HJ-PR’s comprehensive strategies, whether in influencer marketing or social media, is a testament to the power of diversity in business.

Hispanic Heritage and the Impact of HJ-PR

During Hispanic Heritage Month, it’s vital to shine a light on leaders like Fernando, who exemplify how diversity can fuel creativity and success. His work at HJ-PR demonstrates the importance of integrating cultural narratives into brand storytelling, a practice that brings depth and resonance to campaigns across industries. From his ability to catapult start-ups to scale revenue, to the way he fosters meaningful client relationships, Fernando is someone who brings tangible results to the table, all while celebrating his Latino roots.

What impresses me most about HJ-PR is their forward-thinking approach. One of the first agencies to integrate AI into public relations workflows, they ensure that their clients are ahead of the curve—reaching the right audiences through accurate, data-driven strategies. Their national campaigns across fashion, spirits, and more are testament to their versatility, and their success with influencer marketing and social media speaks to their agility in an ever-changing digital landscape. HJ-PR doesn’t just connect brands with influencers—they build partnerships that amplify the brand’s message and create lasting engagement. In this industry, that kind of innovation and commitment to cultural authenticity is what sets Fernando and HJ-PR apart.

Magno Chocolates

One of HJ-PR’s most recent successes involves helping Colombian client Magno Chocolates break into the U.S. market. Within just two months, Fernando and his team achieved significant results, further proving that Latinx entrepreneurs are making waves in the American economy by fostering meaningful cross-cultural connections.

Fernando Landeros, co-founder of HJ-PR

In my recent interview with Fernando Landeros, co-founder of HJ-PR, we delve into his inspiring journey as a Latino leader in the public relations industry, highlighting key moments that shaped his path to success. As we celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month, Fernando offers profound insights on how this time serves as an opportunity to amplify the achievements of Latino professionals across all industries, while also reflecting on his personal heritage as a driving force in his entrepreneurial journey. Readers will be excited to explore three essential topics in this interview: Fernando’s unique approach to integrating Latinx culture authentically into PR campaigns, the challenges he faced as a Latino business owner in a competitive industry, and his vision for the future of Latino leadership in PR. Through his thoughtful responses, Fernando underscores the importance of celebrating cultural heritage while pushing boundaries in the dynamic world of public relations.

Joseph DeAcetis: Fernando, as we celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month, what does this time of year mean to you personally and professionally as a Latino leader in the PR industry?

Fernando Landeros: It is the time of the year where we get to highlight the Latino thought leaders in every industry, not just in the PR & Marketing industry. It is a time to be proud of our heritage and really speak in volume of what our peers have accomplished.

Joseph DeAcetis: Your journey from humble beginnings to becoming a driving force in public relations is inspiring. Can you share the key moment or decision in your career that propelled you toward entrepreneurial success?

Fernando Landeros: I think COVID is the most important one. We were in survival mode, we had to leave Los Angeles and we moved to Mexico. I lost my Mom to COVID and we had nothing but our savings and some extra cash at that moment. We had to work with the few dollars that our clients were willing to spend with us and we worked hard, no matter the uncertainty and everything the world as a whole was going through.

Joseph DeAcetis: HJ-PR has become known for its unique approach to PR, particularly in influencer marketing and AI integration. What sets your business model apart in such a competitive industry?

Fernando Landeros: Our work ethic and our relentlessness in achieving results for our clients. I always say it, we are a small business so we care about our clients, no matter how small, medium or large they are. We care. Ultimately, this is what made us start our own business and made a big difference with our first few clients we had. 

Joseph DeAcetis: You co-founded HJ-PR with your wife. How has working alongside her influenced your business decisions and growth as an entrepreneur?

Fernando Landeros: It has been a tremendous learning experience and a good one! She is a great inspiration and sound board. She balances me in every way possible and I have learnt so much from her. 

Joseph DeAcetis: One of the pillars of your agency is cultural connection. How do you ensure that brands and campaigns remain authentic while highlighting the rich heritage of the Latinx market in the USA?

Fernando Landeros: We ensure authenticity by deeply understanding and celebrating the diversity within the Latinx culture. We collaborate with Latinx influencers and community leaders to co-create campaigns that reflect genuine experiences. We also tailor strategies to respect the unique nuances of different Latinx communities, ensuring that messages resonate with each group’s heritage. Ultimately, we focus on storytelling that connects emotionally, making brands part of the cultural narrative rather than just selling products.

Joseph DeAcetis: Reflecting on your career so far, what would you say is your greatest achievement, and how has your Latino heritage contributed to that success?

Fernando Landeros: Starting the agency with my wife has been the greatest achievement of my career and I think having a hard latino working culture embedded in my DNA has helped us to achieve what we’ve done thus far. We work hard in a meaningful way.

Joseph DeAcetis: The Latinx market in the U.S. is incredibly diverse and vibrant. How does your work in PR highlight Latinx contributions to fashion, art, cuisine, and sports, and why is it important to showcase these elements?

Fernando Landeros: It’s important because it fosters deeper connections between brands and the Latinx community, while also educating wider audiences about the rich cultural contributions that shape the U.S. landscape. Our goal is to celebrate and amplify these voices in every campaign.

Joseph DeAcetis: Every entrepreneur faces challenges. Can you share some of the biggest obstacles you’ve encountered as a Latino business owner and how you overcame them?

Fernando Landeros: One of the biggest challenges I’ve faced is navigating preconceived notions and biases about our capabilities and the types of businesses we can successfully run. There can be an expectation that Latino-owned businesses are limited to certain industries or not capable of understanding other markets and breaking through that stereotype in the PR world requires resilience and confidence in our unique value.

Joseph DeAcetis: Hispanic Heritage Month is a time to reflect on the contributions of Latinx individuals across various industries. How do you envision the future of Latino leadership in PR, and how can others follow in your footsteps?

Fernando Landeros: Hispanic Heritage Month is a reminder of the growing influence of the Latinx community in all industries, and I believe the future of Latino leadership in PR is bright. As more Latinx professionals step into leadership roles, we’ll see a greater emphasis on diverse perspectives and storytelling that truly reflects the richness of our culture. I envision a future where Latino leaders shape not just campaigns, but the direction of the PR industry as a whole.

For others who want to follow in my footsteps, I encourage them to embrace their heritage and use it as a strength. Building authentic relationships, continually learning, and not being afraid to push boundaries are key. As Latinos, we bring a unique voice to the table, and it’s important to lead with confidence and share our stories proudly.

Joseph DeAcetis: Finally, what advice would you give young Latinos aspiring to enter the world of public relations and marketing, and what role does heritage play in building a successful career?

Fernando Landeros: My advice to young Latinos aspiring to enter public relations and marketing is to fully embrace your heritage—it’s your biggest asset. The Latinx perspective brings a rich, diverse viewpoint that can shape campaigns in a way that truly resonates with audiences. Don’t shy away from your cultural identity; instead, lean into it and let it guide how you approach storytelling, relationship building, and strategy.

In terms of building a successful career, heritage plays a critical role. It helps you stand out, connect with people on a deeper level, and add authenticity to your work. My career has thrived because I’ve used my background as a foundation for creative.

The Power and Influence of the Latinx Community

The Latinx community’s economic power is undeniable, boasting a buying power of $2.6 trillion, making it one of the most influential demographic groups in the U.S. This growing influence has transformed how brands approach marketing, with cultural sensitivity and authentic representation becoming key factors in successful campaigns. Companies that seek to connect with Latinx audiences must emphasize the values of family, heritage, and community while staying attuned to the nuances of the various Hispanic cultures.

Below are four distinguished brands that have demonstrated remarkable growth, each with a focused mission to expand their presence in the U.S. market while preserving and celebrating their rich Latinx heritage. Their commitment to integrating their cultural identity into both their brand strategy and DNA serves as a key driver of their success and market differentiation.


LATINX Actor/Model Pablo Morais wear POTRO AW24. Photograph by Marcrae Marran

POTRO, launched in 2022 by Joseph DeAcetis, has quickly established itself as a trailblazing voice in LATINX menswear. In just two years, POTRO has made an indelible mark on the fashion scene, showcasing its collections at three New York Fashion Week shows, with pieces that embody a bold new aesthetic for LATINX culture. The brand has already gained recognition by being worn by notable figures such as Puerto Rican rapper and singer Guayna and 4x NY Golden Gloves Champion boxer Brian Ceballo. Additionally, POTRO boasts its own Daniel Jüde, an American rock singer/songwriter/producerDaniel Jüde, who composes original music for each collection, ensuring that the brand’s artistic vision extends beyond fashion to encompass a fully immersive cultural experience. With a commitment to craftsmanship, all POTRO products are developed and produced in LATINX countries, sourcing the finest materials and honoring the rich traditions of these regions.

LATINX Actor/Model Pablo Morais wear POTRO AW24. Photograph by Marcrae Marran

POTRO’s design ethos embraces rugged sophistication and seductive style, creating refined menswear that appeals to the modern explorer in every man. Its collections blend classic tailoring with an adventurous spirit, offering pieces that are not only stylish but also grounded in heritage. As POTRO looks ahead, the brand is committed to growing alongside the burgeoning influence of LATINX culture in the USA, with a vision to become the premier menswear brand for the LATINX community. POTRO embodies the spirit of the past while leading the modern push forward.

“POTRO: Para el hombre que explora, conquista, y celebra su herencia.”


Fashinnovation bridges fashion and tech, driving sustainability and innovation through global events and collaborations that reshape the industry's future.

XIO founded by Ylette Luis 

XIO, founded by Ylette Luis. Inspired by her Cuban roots and love of fashion and astrology, XIO offers a unique subscription experience that combines astrology with jewelry pieces. Treat yourself or a loved one to a monthly dose of elegance and charm. The company is a tribute to Ylette’s Cuban roots and was inspired by and named after her grandmother Xiomara who she credits with instilling in her a love for entrepreneurship, and a passion for jewelry. 


Founded in Mexico by Nathan Burak, BURAK transforms personal stories and memories into stunning sound-customized jewelry pieces. 

As the editor of Stylelujo.com, I find Hispanic Heritage Month to be the perfect moment to spotlight brands that celebrate the rich cultural legacy of the Hispanic community, and BURAK is one such remarkable brand. Founded by Nathan Burak in Mexico, BURAK transforms the personal into the extraordinary by crafting sound-customized jewelry that weaves together emotions, memories, and individual experiences. Originally conceived as a university thesis, BURAK’s ability to convert audio recordings into stunning jewelry pieces captures the essence of what it means to create something deeply personal and meaningful. This brand not only represents the technical skill of its founder but also the unique creativity that comes from honoring one’s heritage.

BURAK’s pieces are more than accessories—they are wearable stories that offer a connection to personal moments and emotions. Each design is a testament to the craftsmanship and artistic expression that Hispanic artisans are known for, embodying both tradition and innovation. This Hispanic Heritage Month, brands like BURAK remind us of the importance of supporting creators who embrace their heritage and channel it into unique, artistic expressions. Let’s celebrate individuality and craftsmanship by uplifting brands that honor the intersection of culture and creativity.


ANNAISS YUCRA: the Peruvian designer blending textile tradition with a modern and sustainable style.

Annaiss Yucra:
Annaiss Yucra is a Peruvian designer revolutionizing the fashion industry with a sustainable and artisanal approach. Her vibrant designs combine recycled materials like BonaFil and PET with natural fibers such as organic cotton and baby alpaca. Through collaborations with Peruvian artisans, she revitalizes ancestral techniques to create unique, ethically produced pieces that celebrate Peru’s rich cultural heritage.

Here are the five best ways to market to a Latinx audience in the U.S.:

  1. Celebrate cultural heritage: Authenticity is key. Highlight the cultural contributions and traditions of different Latinx communities.
  2. Language matters: Use both Spanish and English to create an inclusive, bilingual experience.
  3. Family-first messaging: Family is central to Latinx culture, so messaging that emphasizes family values resonates strongly.
  4. Collaborate with Latinx influencers: Leverage the reach and trust of Latinx influencers who understand the cultural nuances of their communities.
  5. Tell a story, not just a brand pitch: Engage audiences with storytelling that taps into shared experiences and cultural pride.

A Thriving Future for Hispanic Businesses in the U.S.

As Fernando Landeros exemplifies, Latinx entrepreneurs continue to thrive, contributing to a more diverse and prosperous economy. The growing presence of Hispanic-owned businesses in sectors ranging from fashion to food, and entertainment to technology, has reshaped how the U.S. engages with global markets. This economic rise of the Latinx community is not only creating jobs but also fostering greater cultural exchange, making the U.S. a richer, more vibrant society.

Celebrating the Present and Future of Latinx Leadership

As we look to the future, the contributions of Latinx individuals across all sectors will continue to shape the landscape of America. Today, prominent figures such as U.S. Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor, singer, Bad Bunny, singer and actor Jennifer Lopez, and businessman and philanthropist Jorge Pérez represent the heights that Latinx individuals can reach. They serve as inspirations for future generations, demonstrating that the strength of the Hispanic community is both a source of pride and a powerful force for change.


Hispanic Heritage Month is not just a time to honor the past; it’s also a moment to look forward to a future shaped by the contributions and successes of the Latinx community. Leaders like Fernando Landeros remind us that through hard work, resilience, and a commitment to authenticity, Latinx individuals are not only influencing culture and business in the U.S., but are also creating a legacy that future generations can build upon.

Community and connection. Be proud of where you come from, and use it to create meaningful, impactful work.

Comments, questions, or feedback? message me at stylelujo.com

About the Author:

Joseph DeAcetis is a visionary in the world of fashion, renowned as the best wardrobe stylist and art director of his generation. His impressive accolades and unmatched expertise set him apart in the industry. Joseph covers the intersections of style, culture, art, and fashion, with a particular emphasis on the evolving status of menswear.

Throughout his illustrious career, Joseph has penned award-winning columns for top-tier publications such as Esquire, People Magazine, Robb Report, and Playboy. His profound insights and engaging narratives have made him a leading voice in fashion journalism.

Most recently, Joseph served as the creative fashion director for Forbes Media, where he excelled as both a critic and reporter. His extensive body of work highlights the importance of dressing for success and explores how technological advancements are reshaping the fashion industry. Joseph’s authoritative yet approachable voice continues to inspire and influence fashion enthusiasts worldwide.

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